Breast Cancer Facts – Every Woman Must Know

Breast cancer facts: It is the most common cancer in women. Being a woman and increasing age are the two most prominent risk factors for breast cancer.

Breast cancer facts: Inflammatory type of breast cancer is a type of breast cancer that often goes unnoticed by many women. It is a rare, but aggressive type of cancer.

Inflammatory breast cancer is the most aggressive, invasive, and progressive type of breast cancer.

Around 10 t0 20% of breast cancer is triple-negative type – which is aggressive and difficult to treat. It grows and spreads more quickly than other types of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women across the world.

The good news about breast cancer is that the survival rate is increasing.

Breast cancer mostly begins in both types of breast cells – ductal cells and lobular cells (invasive ductal carcinoma and invasive lobular carcinoma, respectively).

The risk of breast cancer is associated with genetic, hormonal, chemical, environmental and lifestyle factors. In other words, the exact cause of breast cancer is unknown, but a combination of all these factors could play some role in the development of breast cancer.

Approximately 15 to 20% of breast cancers are linked to genes.

There are several genes that have been linked to an increased risk of breast cancer and the most common among them are BRCA1 and BRCA2. These two genes significantly increase breast and ovarian cancer risk in women.

Breast self-examination is the best way to detect abnormal changes in your breast and bring those changes to the notice of your doctor.

The type of breast cancer a woman has greatly determines treatment options and prognosis of the disease.

Breast cancer biopsy is the sure way of diagnosing breast cancer. It is rather a confirmatory test.

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