Are We Fighting Ovarian Cancer the Right Way

Are We Fighting Ovarian Cancer the Right Way?

Screening women for ovarian cancer is a bit challenging proposition for researchers and oncologists -owing to the fact that there is no proper screening test available; in addition, early detection can make a huge difference in the treatment outcomes. Scientists are relentlessly working hard to find new ways – which would help screen women for ovarian cancer. Apart from genetic studies and analysis, proteomics (study of the pattern of proteins) research is gaining momentum to know the ways of detecting ovarian cancers early. Let us understand why ovarian cancer is a challenge for all of us.

Why Ovarian Cancer is not Diagnosed Early?

First of all, there is no specific screening test for detecting ovarian cancer. The second fact is that ovarian cancer is a silent killer – it progresses aggressively either causing less life-threatening symptoms or no symptoms at all. The third feature of ovarian cancer is very bewildering – the symptoms such as stomach disturbances, constipation, gases, bloating are often confused with less life-threatening digestive problems – owing to which majority of the women tend to ignore the warning signs and thus delay consulting oncologist. That’s the reason why more than 80% of women miss diagnosis – and therefore – only 20% of ovarian cancers are diagnosed before it spreads beyond ovaries.

The Five-Year Survival Rates Post Diagnosis and Treatment – Why is it Low?

In the majority of cases, ovarian cancer is detected in the advanced stages.

Though there is a significant advancement in both the surgical and chemo-based treatment approaches for treating ovarian cancers, the improvement in survival rates is sluggish. This in many cases is due to late diagnosis (advanced stage diagnosis) and also due to lack of effective second-line therapy for women who experience episodes of remission and relapse. The periods of remission and relapse is intermittent and of short duration. This is seen in more than 80% of ovarian cancer cases. Therefore, the five-year survival rates post-diagnosis of such cases is only 50%.


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