Debunking The Top Myths About Breast Cancer

Myths and facts about breast cancer: Breast cancer awareness is now increasing among masses, but myths are also increasing

Dbeunking the Top Myths about Breast Cancer

Myths and facts about breast cancer: Breast cancer awareness is now increasing among masses, but myths are also increasing. Therefore, the need of the hour is to know the facts and debunk the myths. The following information debunks the myths and highlights the facts about breast cancer. Read the following information thoroughly as knowing the facts about breast cancer is absolutely necessary for you to fight breast cancer diligently.

Myth No.1: Only Older Women Are at Risk of Breast Cancer

Fact: The incidences of breast cancer are usually common in older women as increasing age is a risk factor for breast cancer. However, it doesn’t mean that the risk for younger women is less or they are not susceptible. According to the latest statistics, the incidences of breast cancer are on the rise in younger women. In a nutshell, breast cancer can be diagnosed at a younger age as well.


Myth No.2: A lump in the Breast Means Breast Cancer

Fact: A lump in your breast doesn’t always mean breast cancer as a small percentage of breast lumps turn out to be cancer. However, a persistent lump, pain, changes in the appearance of the breast, swollen lymph nodes in the armpits should never be ignored. If you notice these symptoms, you must get your breast clinical exam done by a lady oncologist as she may order further tests to detect whether the lump is a cause for concern.

Myth No.3: Cancer Screening Causes Breast Cancer

Fact: Breast mammogram is the gold standard for early detection of breast cancer. It does not cause any harm as the radiation exposure is very low as mammograms require very small doses of radiation.

Myth No.4: Mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes means Breast Cancer is around the corner

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