Breast Cancer Treatment – Types of Surgeries & Therapies

Breast cancer behaviour and biology affect the treatment. Some types of breast cancers are aggressive – though they are small, they grow quickly.

Female breast surgeon in Hyderabad, Dr Geetha Nagasree

Larger breast cancers grow slowly. Therefore, treatment methodologies and approaches vary depending on the type, nature and behaviour of cancer. Therefore, any good female breast surgeon in Hyderabad, formulates personalized treatment plans that depends on several factors – such as stage, type of breast cancer (inflammatory type, lobular or triple-negative and others), the overall health of the patient, age, presence of inherited gene mutations such as BRCA1 or BRCA2 and menopausal status of the women.

Female breast surgeon in Hyderabad, recommends systemic treatment for large breast cancer – which includes neoadjuvant therapy. Chemotherapy and hormonal therapy are given before surgery – which helps in shrinking cancer. If the tumour shrinks, it will be helpful to perform breast-conserving surgery (lumpectomy) in place of mastectomy.

What is adjuvant therapy?

Breast cancer surgeons recommend other treatments after breast cancer surgery. This type of treatment is known as adjuvant therapy. It may include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormonal therapy or targeted therapy. This type of treatment approach helps in reducing the risk of recurrence of breast cancer after an early-stage treatment by surgery.

What are the types of breast cancer surgeries?

Lumpectomy or segmental mastectomy – which is also known as a partial mastectomy or quadrantectomy – Is a breast-conserving surgery. Women diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer and also having BRCA1 and BRCA2 gene mutations are suitable for this type of surgery. In addition to gene status, other factors may also determine the type of surgery for a patient. During this surgical procedure, breast lump (tumour) is removed along with a cancer-free margin of healthy tissue. Radiation therapy is often recommended after surgery.

Mastectomy: In this type of breast surgery, breast surgeon removes the entire breast. There are other types of mastectomies – it is better to discuss with your doctor regarding those procedures. Mastectomy depends on the size of the breast tumour – if it is large, then the entire breast is removed.

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