20 Warning Signs of Cancer in Women

20 signs of cancer: Women’s bodies go through a lot, from menstrual periods to menopause. It’s also fine to feel different from time to time. However, any additional symptoms should be checked and evaluated by a specialist doctor. Some of the changes or symptoms could be cancer-related.

The following are some of the most common cancers in women:

Breast Cancer
Ovarian Cancer
Endometrial (lining of the uterus)
Cervical cancer
Please remember that many of the symptoms of cancer might also be caused by other health issues. And, for malignancies that affect both males and females, the symptoms are often the same. However, it’s critical to notify your doctor if you see any warning signals – such as the following:

20 signs of cancer in women

Lump in your breast

A lump in your breast does not necessarily indicate that you have breast cancer. However, if it remains for more than a couple of weeks with pain, swelling, abnormal discharge from the best, or changes in the skin and contour of your breast, report this to your female breast specialist doctor.

The other signs to keep an eye on include:

  • Breasts that are swollen (with or without a lump)
  • A lump in your armpit or a protrusion from your collarbone
  • If you have a nipple discharge, it can be bloody or clear.
  • Inward-pointing nipples
  • Skin that resembles the peel of an orange.
  • Pain in the breasts or nipples
  • Nipple or breast skin that is red, scratchy, or thick

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