Is It Possible to Prevent Cancer in Women?

How to prevent cancer in women?

You’ve certainly heard a lot about how essential it is to reduce your risk of developing cancer, but you’re probably wondering how much control you actually have. According to James Hamrick, MD, chief of oncology at Kaiser Permanente in Atlanta, “there is no rocket approach to entirely avoid cancer.” However, making lifestyle changes and receiving the correct health screenings can reduce your chances of contracting the condition.

A 2015 news release from the CDC reveals that 1 in 5 women hasn’t had their cervical cancer screenings, and 1 in 4 had not had their yearly breast cancer screenings. According to Kathryn Rexrode, MD, chief of the division of women’s health at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, “there are varying viewpoints on how to prevent cancer in women; and, for that, how often should you really be checked for cancer.

How do lessen the risk of developing cancer?

The best method to lower your cancer risk is to establish healthy, daily habits. Annual cancer tests should not be used as a substitute for taking preventive measures to safeguard your wellness. “Testing isn’t always sufficient, and it doesn’t reduce the risk of cancer. Screening is the process of detecting early cancer so that it can be treated rather than preventing it, as lifestyle variables would be “Rexrode expresses his opinion. Furthermore, certain malignancies, such as pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer, are harder to identify by tests.

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