Breast Cancer – What Precautions You Must Take to Prevent it?

How to Prevent Breast Cancer

A majority of the women have this question in their minds – Can a Lump in the Breast Be a Warning Sign of Breast Cancer?

A very straightforward answer to this question is no.  A lump in the breast does not always mean breast cancer. But you have to look out for other signs as well if you notice a lump in your breast.

Does breast cancer always come with warning signs?
Breast cancer doesn’t always come with warning signs. In many cases, it goes on growing silently without causing any warning signs and symptoms. The majority of women don’t experience any signs and symptoms of breast cancer in the initial stages. Furthermore, breast cancer incidences are rising in women as young as 25 years age. The silent spread of breast cancer is resulting in late detection – mostly in the third and fourth stages. This trend is rampant in India. Late diagnosis is leading to ineffective treatment and poor survival rates.

Then, how to catch breast cancer even if it doesn’t show any warning signs?
In absence of warning signs and symptoms, many women tend to ignore their breasts. The reason for this is the fact that they don’t know how to do breast-self-examination. When they don’t do breast self-examination, they remain unaware of the potential changes happening to their breasts. Thus, they miss noticing breast cancer in the early stage.

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