How Can I Reduce the Risk of Ovarian Cancer?

Ovarian cancer prevention: The most common type of ovarian cancer is epithelial ovarian cancer. You can reduce the risk of this cancer by adopting the following measures. However, there are other types such as stromal tumors and germ-cell cancers. The possibility of lowering the risk of these types is lower as much less is known about the ways to lower the risk.

Taking Oral Contraceptive Pills
Women who take oral contraceptives or birth control pills have a lower risk of developing ovarian cancer. The risk is lower for women with BRCA mutation genes and also for average-risk women – especially those women who took such pills for several years. The risk is 50% lower in women who used oral pills for up to five years or more compared to women who never used birth control pills. Oral contraceptive pills do some with other risks and side effects. Therefore, if you are considering using these pills, it is better to first discuss the pros and cons of using such pills.

Women with a Family History of Ovarian Cancer and BRCA gene
The presence of BRCA1 and BRCA 2 gene mutations is a potential risk factor. To reduce this risk, tubal ligation is an effective procedure. However, this surgery is recommended for other reasons rather than for this reason alone.

In some cases, prophylactic or risk-reducing surgery may be considered if the woman wants to consider it to reduce the risk even before the cancer is suspected. If the risk is suspected in a woman who has finished having children – salpingo-oophorectomy may be recommended.

Which women should consider this surgery?
If a woman has any valid medical reason, then she should consider both tubal ligation and hysterectomy to reduce the risk of certain types of ovarian cancer. Many experts don’t recommend these procedures only considering ovarian cancer risk.

If a woman considers hysterectomy for a valid medical reason – and she also has a strong family history of ovarian and breast cancer, then she should consider bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (the procedure for the removal of both ovaries and fallopian tubes).

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